Official Duty Activities Involving Outside Organizations

Official Duty Activities are those activities performed by an employee as part of, or an extension of, regular official responsibilities. This discussion refers to official duty activities with an outside organization. The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (at 5 CFR 2635) provide the basic guidelines for official duty activities, and the NIH sets the policy for implementing the guidelines at the NIH. An employee may participate in such activities only with advance approval as indicated below. For questions about specific activities, contact your IC's Deputy Ethics Counselor or Ethics Coordinator.

The activities an employee performs must be related to his/her official duties. Any official work performed with an outside organization must also be consistent with the authority and mission of the NIH. There should be compelling agency policy reasons for official duty activities with outside organizations. The activity must be avoided if the outside organization engages in lobbying or otherwise takes public positions on matters of significant controversy involving the NIH. Such activity should be limited where it is likely that the outside organization may become involved in legal disputes or other actions (e.g., medical care, personnel) that could subject it to liability. Because the activities are related to the employee's job, the employee may use non-confidential official information:

NIH Official Duty Policy Documents

January 23, 2008, Memo from the NIH Deputy Ethics Counselor notifying ICs about the new policy. The policy consists of 3 primary elements:

See also the June 1, 2007, memo from the NIH Deputy Ethics Counselor to the IC Directors implementing the option to use a blanket official duty activity request to obtain permission for several official duty activities together. Blanket Official Duty Activity Guidance and REVISED Blanket ODA Request Memo [Template] is available on the forms page.

Official participation in a leadership position (e.g. officer, director, trustee, or other position or role having the same legal responsibilities or characteristics) of a 501(c) nonprofit professional organization

Pursuant to ethics regulations, and subject to agency approval, an NIH employee may seek advance approval to participate in a leadership position of a nonprofit 501(c) professional organization as an official duty activity. Under the policy, an employee may seek approval to serve in a leadership position of a 501(c) nonprofit that has received tax-exempt status from the IRS. The organization must also be considered “professional,” involving the skills of a profession, defined in 5 C.F.R. 2636.305(b)(1) as, “a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as well as in the scientific, historical, or scholarly principles underlying such skills and methods.”

Per the policy guidance: