Roofing Contract Template

This Roofing Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Document.CreatedDate] by and between [Sender.Company] (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") and [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] (hereinafter referred to as "Homeowner").

​ [Client.City] [Client.State] [Client.PostalCode] ​

​ [Sender.City] [Sender.State] [Sender.PostalCode] ​

Roofing Project Description

In this section of the roofing contract template, you must clearly outline the scope of work, including the type of roofing material to be used, any necessary repairs or replacements, and any additional services or considerations that your company will provide.

(Describe the scope of work, including materials to be used, any necessary repairs or replacements, and any other relevant details.)

Project Timeline

Provide estimated start and completion dates for the roofing project, along with any specific milestones as required. This helps both parties to understand the expectations and timeline for the work to be done.

(Specify the estimated start and completion dates for the project with milestones.)

Contractor's Responsibilities

Provide all necessary roofing materials, tools, and equipment. Follow industry standards and best practices in performing the roofing work. Obtain any necessary permits or licenses for the project, including insurance. Protect the property from damage during the roofing process. Clean up the work area upon completion of the project.

Homeowner's Responsibilities

Provide access to the property for the Contractor and their team. Ensure a safe working environment at all times. Clear any obstacles or debris around the property that may hinder the roofing work.

Notify the Contractor of any changes or modifications to the project requirements during the process.

Payment Terms

Clearly state the project’s total cost, the payment schedule (including any deposit or milestone payments), and the preferred payment method. Also, consider including late payment charges or penalties for added protection and clarity in this section of the roofing contract template.

Total Project Cost

(Specify the total cost of the roofing project)

Description of first item

Description of second item

Description of third item

Payment Schedule

(Specify the breakdown of payments, such as a percentage upfront and subsequent payments at specific milestones)

Payment Method

(Specify the preferred payment method (e.g., bank transfer, check, etc.))

Late Payment Charges

(Specify any applicable charges or interest for late payments)


The Contractor warrants that all roofing work will be performed in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with industry standards. The Contractor will provide a warranty for the roofing materials used, if applicable. The terms and duration of the warranty will be specified separately.


Either party may terminate this Contract in the event of a material breach by the other party. Termination shall be done in writing with a notice period of (number of days) before the termination takes effect.

Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws on [Sender.State] [Sender.Country] .

Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the Entire Agreement between the Contractor and the Homeowner and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements or understandings.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the Homeowner have executed this Roofing Contract as of the date mentioned above.


Roofing Contract Template

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FAQ: Roofing Contract Template

What is a roofing contract?

A roofing contract is a legally binding document between two parties (the roofing contractor and the client), which states that the contractor will provide roofing services in exchange for compensation. The contract includes details such as project details, contract terms, project pricing, etc.

Why should roofers have a contract for roofing jobs?

The reason why most roofing contractors or roofing companies make a contract before a job is because it prevents scope creep, establishes the obligations and requirements from both parties, and ensures you get paid on time. It’s also a legally binding document which can be upheld in court.

Is a roofing estimate the same as a contract?

No, a roofing estimate and a roofing contract are not the same thing, until and unless the roofing estimate has been put in a contract. An estimate gives a quote on how much would roofing services cost (clients can negotiate this if they’d like), whereas a contract is a legal document, which, if signed, cannot be negotiated.

How binding are roofing contracts?

Roofing contracts are legally binding and provide a guarantee that both sides will be protected during the work. In most cases, such contracts are not an obligation, but a desirable part of the cooperation. At PandaDoc you can complete and get a printable simple roofing contract template that will include all the steps of cooperation.

How do you do a roofing contract agreement?

To do a proper roofing contract agreement, think about all the minor details of your working process. This way, as a constructor, you should pay attention to every single part of the roofing process. Plan and draft the pricing policy, make it fully fair, and estimate the deadlines correctly. A proper sample roofing contract contains all demanded data for such a contract.

What should a roofing contract template include?

A roofing contract template should include the pricing, working process, guarantees, deadlines, and contact information. To make the cooperation successful, the contract should be fully balanced, and keep all sides of the roofing in a safety zone, so guarantees and pricing nuances have to be completed properly.


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